Is It Normal For Bras To Leave Marks?

We have all been there. You are getting into your pjs, finally get to take your bra off and you notice red marks on your skin. Are red marks normal? The short answer is yes but that doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Some red marks and indentations or imprints from your bra are common. We are made of soft, squishy stuff so a little bit of marking is normal. But if you have bruising, broken skin or chaffing, then it’s a little more serious. Your bra should never hurt! Bras can make marks but if they are causing you pain then it’s time to stop wearing it. Our best piece of advice is to listen to your body. If you are in pain or have big red marks from your bra, then your body is trying to tell you something. Here are our top 4 reasons for red marks left by your bra and how to fix it.

It’s Too Tight!

Simple but often overlooked. If your bra is leaving red marks then it may simply be too tight. If you have marks on your shoulders then the straps may be too tight, try loosening them. But actually, sometimes red marks on the shoulders may be because the band is too loose. That sounds silly but there is logic here, we promise. The band takes most of the weight and does the heavy lifting so if your band is too slack it can’t do its job properly. That leaves all the weight to the straps. If the straps are overcompensating, they may be digging in and leaving marks. Try tightening the band or even going down a back size.

New Bra – Give It Time

Red marks from your bra are quite normal when you have just bought a new bra. If your bra fits properly it should be quite snug and supportive so of course your body needs time to adjust. For the first few wears you may notice some markings from the band or under the cup but it’s nothing to worry about. It takes time for the fabric to loosen and stretch. Our top tip is to always wash your new bra before your wear it. First of all, this is a good habit in terms of hygiene, but washing will soften the bra so it’s less likely to cause red marks. Hand washing a new bra is also a good tip to eliminate starchiness. When you buy a new bra is can sometimes be a little starchy which can cause irritation. If you still have red marks after a few washes and wears, then maybe that bra is not for you.

Give Your Body A Break

If your bra is leaving red marks, it may be caused by over wearing the same bra. We all have that one favourite bra that is always our everyday ‘go to’. Tired old bras may be comfy but they are not the best for your body. Believe it or not, that soft staple you’ve had for years may actually be creating pressure points. Your body gets used to bras and if you overwear the same one, it can actually start to cause marks on your skin. Our advice is mix it up! Try a new style of bra to give your body something new. Maybe it’s even time to say goodbye to that well loved bra … it’s had a great life but it’s past its sell by date. Once in a while it’s also good to be free! Have a lazy Sunday with no bra at all. That should give your body a break from those same pressure points.

All About The Hormones

We know hormones affect your body in all kinds of ways, but did you know hormones can actually affect the size of your boobs? Your breasts can change over the course of the month, sometimes quite a lot. Your cycle can change the shape and size of the breast over the course of the month and that can affect the way your bra fits. Some science for you … after ovulation (15 days into your cycle ish) progesterone peaks which can cause the boobs to become larger and firmer. Who knew!? This can then cause the bra to feel too tight or uncomfortable, leaving red marks. Our advice here is to have different bras throughout the month. If this is something you notice happens to you, you may want to keep track of the days you feel like they are larger and have a slightly bigger bra for that time of the month. Don’t see this as a bad thing though, it is completely normal. Plus, it’s an excuse to buy a new bra.

Which Bra’s Won’t Leave Marks?

Every woman is unique and the way a bra fits is different for everyone. So, you need to listen to your body, experiment and of course listen to our advice above. Below are some of our favourite brands for certain body types. So firstly, Curvy Kate is always a great choice for fuller bust women as they cater for cup sizes D-K. This brand also have a seductive range for curvy girls called Scantilly. For smaller cup sizes, Bluebella offer a stunning range of lingerie in sizes starting from an A cup. Panache are the perfect choice for your everyday bras but Royce are all you need for maternity. Shop by brand below.

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